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Baby Milestone Calendar, 1-12 months

Updated: Apr 6

Exciting developmental baby milestones to watch for each month!

baby milestone calendar

As a parent, it's always exciting to witness your little one's growth and development. There are endless exciting baby developmental milestones that fill our hearts with joy and pride. Watching our little ones grow and learn is truly a magical experience, isn't it?

From those first adorable smiles to the moment they take their first wobbly steps, each milestone is a precious memory to cherish. As a mom, it's so much fun to celebrate and document these special moments as they happen.

One of the earliest milestones to look out for is your baby's social smile, usually around 6-8 weeks old. That first little grin in response to your voice or touch is enough to melt any parent's heart.

As your baby approaches the 3-month mark, you may notice them becoming more interactive and vocal. Babbling, cooing, and making eye contact are all signs of their growing communication skills.

By 6 months, many babies start to sit up with support and may even begin to roll over. It's incredible to witness their newfound strength and coordination as they explore their surroundings.

As your little one approaches their first birthday, you'll likely see them taking their first steps and saying their first words. These major milestones mark the beginning of their journey towards independence and self-discovery.

Remember, every baby is unique and will reach milestones at their own pace. So, don't compare your child's progress to others—celebrate their individual achievements and enjoy every moment of this incredible journey.

In this article, I'll be sharing the top 5 milestones to expect each month in your baby's journey through their first year, from 1 month to 12 months old.

1 Month Old Baby Milestones

These black and white high contrast visuals are a great first sensory toy for your newborn. For more information on newborn items, check out our Newborn Essentials List!

  • Improved Vision: Your baby will start to focus on objects and faces more clearly, showing signs of developing vision.

  • Social Smiles: Get ready for those heart-melting smiles in response to familiar faces and voices.

  • Head Control: Watch as your baby begins to lift their head briefly while lying on their stomach, demonstrating improved neck strength.

  • Increased Awareness: Your little one will become more alert and responsive to their surroundings, showing interest in sounds and movements.

  • Sleeping Patterns: Expect your baby to establish more regular sleeping patterns, with longer periods of sleep at night and shorter naps during the day.

2 Month Old Baby Milestones

This crinkle textured musical caterpillar is a great toy for your 2-month old to play with.

  • Coos and Gurgles: Your baby will start to make more vocalizations, such as cooing and gurgling, as they explore their voice.

  • Tracking Objects: Watch as your baby begins to track moving objects with their eyes, showing improved visual tracking skills.

  • Tummy Time: Encourage tummy time to help strengthen your baby's neck and upper body muscles.

  • Social Interaction: Your baby may start to show more interest in faces and voices, responding with smiles and coos.

  • Grasping Objects: Look out for your baby's developing ability to grasp and hold onto objects, a sign of growing motor skills.

3 Month Old Baby Milestones

This colorful piano playmat is the perfect developmental toy for your 3-month old.

  • Increased Interaction: At 3 months old, babies start to become more interactive, smiling, cooing, and making eye contact with caregivers.

  • Improved Motor Skills: By this age, babies may begin to hold their head up steadily when lying on their stomach and may start to push up on their arms during tummy time.

  • Grasping Objects: Babies at 3 months old may start to reach for and grasp objects, showing improved hand-eye coordination.

  • Babbling: Around 3 months old, babies may start to babble and make a variety of sounds, experimenting with different vocalizations.

  • Rolling Over: Some babies may start to roll over from their tummy to their back or vice versa around 3 months old, showing increased strength and mobility.

4 Month Old Baby Milestones

This viral crazy crab toy is certainly entertaining for your 4-month old.

  • Improved Head Control: By 4 months old, babies typically have better head control and can hold their head steady when supported in a sitting position.

  • Increased Babbling: Babies at this age may start to babble more frequently and experiment with different sounds, showing early language development.

  • Rolling Over: Many babies start to roll over from their back to their stomach and vice versa around 4 months old, demonstrating improved strength and coordination.

  • Grasping Objects: At 4 months old, babies may become more adept at grasping and holding onto objects, refining their fine motor skills.

  • Social Interaction: Around this age, babies may show more interest in faces, smile more often, and respond to familiar voices with excitement, indicating increased social awareness.

5 Month Old Baby Milestones

This popsicle teether is great-- just fill the molds with some whole fat yogurt for your little one. For more teething toys and information, visit our Baby Teething Toys & More post!

  • Sitting Up: By 5 months old, many babies can sit up with support and may start to sit independently for short periods of time.

  • Increased Hand-Eye Coordination: Babies at this age may show improved hand-eye coordination, reaching for and grasping objects with more precision.

  • Babbling and Vocalization: Around 5 months old, babies may start to babble more complex sounds and may begin to imitate simple sounds or gestures.

  • Rolling Over: Most babies can roll over in both directions by 5 months old, demonstrating increased strength and mobility.

  • Teething: Some babies may start teething around 5 months old, with the emergence of their first teeth causing discomfort and increased drooling.

6 Month Old Baby Milestones

This rainfall Montessori toy is so intriguing and will capture the attention of your 6-month old.

  • Sitting Up: By 6 months old, many babies can sit up without support, demonstrating improved core strength and balance.

  • Babbling and Communication: Babies at this age may start to babble more complex sounds and may respond to their name being called, showing early communication skills.

  • Reaching and Grabbing: Around 6 months old, babies may become more adept at reaching for and grabbing objects, using their hands to explore their environment.

  • Introduction of Solid Foods: At 6 months old, many babies are ready to start trying solid foods in addition to breast milk or formula, marking an important milestone in their nutritional development.

  • Rolling Over Both Ways: By 6 months old, most babies can roll over from their back to their stomach and vice versa, showcasing improved coordination and mobility.

7 Month Old Baby Milestones

This musical rhymes book has vocabulary, music, and instrument sounds that are great for your 7-month old to experience.

  • Sitting Up Independently: By 7 months old, many babies can sit up without support, demonstrating improved core strength and balance.

  • Crawling: Around this age, some babies may start to crawl or scoot on their stomach to move around, showing increased mobility.

  • Babbling and Communication: At 7 months old, babies may start to babble more complex sounds and may respond to their name or simple commands.

  • Object Permanence: Babies at this age may begin to understand object permanence, realizing that objects still exist even when they are out of sight.

  • Pincer Grasp: By 7 months old, many babies develop the pincer grasp, using their thumb and forefinger to pick up small objects.

8 Month Old Baby Milestones

As your baby might start standing with support, this sit-to-stand learning walker is so helpful.

  • Crawling: By 8 months old, many babies start to crawl or may be on the verge of crawling, using their arms and legs to move around.

  • Sitting Up Independently: Babies at 8 months old may be able to sit up without support, showing improved core strength and balance.

  • Object Permanence: At 8 months old, babies may start to understand the concept of object permanence, realizing that objects still exist even when they are out of sight.

  • Pincer Grasp: Babies at this age may develop the pincer grasp, using their thumb and forefinger to pick up small objects.

  • Standing with Support: Some babies may start to pull themselves up to a standing position while holding onto furniture or other objects around 8 months old, showing increased strength in their legs.

9 Month Old Baby Milestones

This educational musical learning cube is engaging and stimulating for your 9-month old.

  • Pulling Up: Babies at this age may start to pull themselves up to a standing position using furniture or other objects for support.

  • Babbling and Gesturing: Around 9 months old, babies may start to babble more complex sounds and may also use gestures like waving or pointing to communicate.

  • Improved Fine Motor Skills: Babies at 9 months old may show improved fine motor skills, such as picking up small objects with their fingers and thumb.

  • Object Permanence: Around this age, babies may start to understand the concept of object permanence, realizing that objects still exist even when they are out of sight.

  • Beginning to Cruise: Some babies may start to "cruise" around furniture, holding on and moving sideways while standing, as they prepare for walking.

10 Month Old Baby Milestones

The happy hammer toy is great for your 10-month old as they begin to improve their fine motor skills, grasping and holding ability, and auditory cues.

  • Clapping: Babies at this age may start clapping their hands together when something exciting happens.

  • Babbling and First Words: Around 10 months old, babies may start to babble more complex sounds and may even say their first words, such as "mama" or "dada."

  • Improved Fine Motor Skills: Babies at 10 months old may show improved fine motor skills, such as picking up small objects with their fingers and trying to feed themselves.

  • Object Permanence: Around this age, babies begin to understand the concept of object permanence, realizing that objects still exist even when they are out of sight.

  • Increased Social Interaction: By 10 months old, babies may show more interest in social interaction, responding to their name, waving goodbye, and showing affection towards caregivers.

11 Month Old Baby Milestones

This soft musical baby ball is perfect for your 11-month old as they improve their fine motor skills and pincer grasp.

  • Standing and Cruising: By 11 months old, many babies can pull themselves up to a standing position and may start cruising along furniture or holding onto objects for support while walking.

  • First Steps: Some babies may take their first independent steps around 11 months old, though this milestone can vary widely among individuals.

  • Improved Fine Motor Skills: At this age, babies may show improved fine motor skills, such as picking up small objects with their thumb and forefinger (pincer grasp) and exploring objects with more dexterity.

  • Increased Communication: Babies at 11 months old may start to say a few words or simple sounds, understand simple commands, and use gestures to communicate their needs.

  • Social Interaction: By 11 months old, babies may show increased interest in social interaction, playing simple games like peek-a-boo and responding to their name.

12 Month Old Baby Milestones

Your one year old will love riding around the house and improving their walking and coordination skills with this baby walk, bounce, and ride pony.

  • Understanding Simple Instructions: Babies at this age may begin to understand and follow simple instructions, such as "wave bye-bye" or "give me the toy."

  • Increased Independence: 12-month-old babies may show signs of independence, wanting to feed themselves or explore their surroundings more actively.

  • Playing Pretend: Some babies at 12 months old may start to engage in pretend play, such as pretending to talk on a toy phone or feed a doll.

  • Improved Coordination: Babies may show improved coordination and balance, being able to stack blocks or manipulate toys with more precision.

  • Social Interaction: By 12 months old, babies may show increased interest in playing with others, showing empathy and understanding basic social cues.

Baby Milestone Calendar

It's important to remember that every baby develops at their own pace, so this baby milestone first year calendar just has general guidelines and ideas of what you might be able to expect at these ages, from 1 month to 12 months old. If you have any concerns about your baby's development, it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider.

Here's to all the amazing milestones ahead for you and your little one! Feel free to check out our Baby Milestone Calendar 13-24 months next. And if you have any other milestones to add to the lists above, please comment below!

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